Coming Soon ...
Youngstock rearing info & KPIs
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. Disinfect the navel
4. Weigh the calf
5. Set KPI objectives/targets
6. Set KPI objectives/targets Cont'd...
7. Colostrum
8. Where there is no colostrum
9. Make your own colostrum
10. Ear tag
11. Ear tag Cont'd...
12. Successful start to calf rearing
13. Fresh water
14. Fresh water Cont'd...
15. Feed
16. Feed Cont'd...
17. Feed Cont'd...
18. Young stock management is more than feeding
19. How feeding influences growth of the calf
20. Calf scours
21. Calf scours Cont'd...
22. Making an electrolyte at home/on-farm
23. Storing colostrum
24. Dehorning/disbudding
25. Dehorning/disbudding Cont'd...
26. Caustic paste disbudding
27. Hot-iron disbudding
28. How to breed animals without horns
29. How to breed animals without horns Cont'd...
30. How to breed animals without horns Cont'd...
31. Growth from calf to cow
32. Setting KPIs
33. Setting KPIs Cont'd...
34. Summary/Take home