Coming Soon ...
Mastitis prevention and treatment
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Background: udder infection
4. A bacteria infection, what happens?
5. Signs of mastitis
6. Types of mastitis
7. Clinical and sub-clinical mastitis
8. Sub-clinical mastitis and somatic cell count
9. Prevention of mastitis
10. Background on preventing of mastitis
11. Bacteria
12. Bacteria cont'd...
13. Tackling mastitis holistically
14. Cow environment
15. Cow environment cont'd...
16. Milking procedures
17. Step 1. Check milking equipment
18. Step 2. Clean milk place
19. Step 3. Take care of personal hygiene
20. Step 4. Clean teats and massage the udder
21. Step 5. Check the first milk
22. Step 6. Milk in the correct way
23. Stripping
24. Step 8. Dip teats
25. Step 8. Keep cows standing after milking
26. Step 9. Filter the milk
27. Step 10. Clean milk equipment
28. Treatment of mastitis
29. Treatment of mastitis cont'd: Intra-mammary tubes
30. Treatment of mastitis cont'd: Dry-off