Coming Soon ...
Housing and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (manure storage and management
Level 1 - Basic Farmers
1. You will learn about....
2. Introduction
3. Greenhouse gas production from livestock
4. Enteric fermentation from livestock
5. Manure production
6. Manure storage in dairy farms
7. Manure storage in dairy farms Cont'd...
8. Manure management in extensive systems 'grazing'
9. Manure management in intensive or confined systems 'zero-grazing'
10. Manure management in semi-intensive systems 'semi-zero-grazing'
11. Manure storage options
12. Factors affecting methane emissions
13. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
14. Feed cows based on nutrient requirement
15. Increasing herd productivity
16. Composting
17. Composting Cont'd...
18. Manure storage covers
19. Biogas nd animal housing
20. Storing manure in the air (aerobic decomposition)