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Biosecurity on dairy farms
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about ...
2. Introduction
3. Pathogenic microorganisms
4. Classification of biosecurity
5. Biosecurity and infection pressure
6. External biosecurity
7. Closed farm
8. Buying animals
9. Quarantine
10. Quarantine cont'd: Other animals
11. Quarantine cont'd: Other animals
12. Quarantine cont'd: Other animals 'birds'
13. Human (visitors) handling
14. Implementing human (visitors) handling
15. Internal biosecurity
16. Internal biosecurity
17. Internal biosecurity cont'd...
18. Biosecurity and tick-borne diseases (TBD)
19. Biosecurity and tick-borne diseases (TBD) Cont'd...
20. Biosecurity and mastitis
21. Biosecurity and mastitis cont'd...
22. Biosecurity and foot & mouth disease (FMD)
23. Biosecurity and calving
24. Biosecurity and dead animals
25. Biosecurity measures and reducing risks
26. Hazard (risk) assessment matrix
27. Examples of how to calculate risk Cont'd...
28. Measuring and recording risks is helpful
29. Summary/take home messages