Coming Soon ...
Use of key performance indicators
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Introduction cont'd...
4. Key performance indicators
5. KPI: Body weight
6. KPI: Body weight Cont'd...
7. KPI Cont'd...
8. KPI Cont'd...
9. Setting smart KPIs
10. Setting smart KPIs Cont'd...
11. Smart KPIs explained
12. Importance of knowing KPIs
13. Importance of knowing KPIs explained...
14. Registration/recording of KPIs
15. Registration/recording of KPIs Cont'd...
16. Registration/recording of KPIs Cont'd...
17. Registration/recording of KPIs Cont'd...
18. How to implement KPIs successfully
19. How to implement KPIs successfully Cont'd...
20. Where there are no KPIs set
21. Take home messaages/summary