Coming Soon ...
The calving process, use of equipment, care of cow and calf after calving, handling/ storage/ quality of colostrum and colostrum feeding management
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Calving Process: Stage 1 (3 – 12 hours
4. Stage 1: Cow separation
5. Stage 1: Tail raising
6. Stage 1: Kicking and licking of belly
7. Stage 1: Continuously lying down and getting up
8. Stage 1: Arched Back
9. Stage 1: Visible abdominal contractions
10. Stage 1: Water bag
11. Stage 1: Remove traces
12. Calving Process: Stage 2 (30 minutes – 4 hours)
13. Stage 2: Presentation of the Calf
14. Stage 2: Calf is born
15. Calving process: Stage 3 (1-12 hours)