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SOP of farm machinery
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Introduction Cont'd...
4. Other supporting documents
5. Importance of SOP in a dairy farm
6. Development of SOPs
7. Development of SOPs Cont'd...
8. Key factors in SOP
9. Key factors in SOP Cont'd...
10. Answers provided by SOPs
11. Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs)
12. Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) Cont'd...
13. Standard operating procedures for farm machinery/equipment
14. SOPs for workers when working with cleaning materials & detergents
15. SOPs while operating a knapsack sprayer
16. SOPs while operating a knapsack sprayer Cont'd...
17. SOPs for workers while operating a machinery
18. SOPs for workers while operating a machinery Cont'd...
19. SOPs on how to keep machinery in working condition
20. SOPs for attaching farm implements
21. SOPs for attaching farm implements Cont'd...
22. SOPs for 3 point link attachment
23. Standard operations during transportation
24. SOPs when adjusting machine implements at the farm
25. Cutting adjustments 'plough'
26. Cutting adjustments 'plough' Cont'd...
27. Width of cut adjustments 'plough'
28. Levelling adjustments example of 3 point link
29. Tightening bearings and scrapper adjustments
30. Calibrating depth variation; seed drill/planter
31. Safety for workers around machinery in the field
32. SOPs of a working machinery in the field
33. SOPs of a working machinery in the field Cont'd...
34. SOPs of a working machinery in the field Cont'd...
35. SOPs for trailer loading
36. SOPs for trailer loading Cont'd...
37. Avoiding machinery emergency situations
38. SOPs for unhitching implements
39. SOPs for servicing machinery: General
40. SOPs for servicing machinery: Forage chopper