Coming Soon ...
Problems during milking
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Unpleasant behavior of cows
3. Milking "Time"
4. Unwanted behavior
5. Background
6. Restraining when ????
7. milking place
8. Udder Oedema
9. Udder oedema What to do?
10. Teat shape and teat size
11. Incorrectly adjusted milk machine
12. Incorrectly adjusted milk machine Cont'd...
13. Possible effects of incorrectly adjusted milking machine
14. No/poor milk let down causes
15. Other pain cases
16. Grain fold ecema
17. Blind milking/Over milking
18. Mastitis
19. Hygiene
20. Hygiene Cont'd...
21. Training
22. Summary
23. Summary Cont'd...