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Metabolic disorders
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. General effects of metabolic disorders
4. Metabolic disorders
5. Milk fever (hypocalcemia)
6. Milk fever in lactating cows
7. Symptoms of milk fever
8. Management of milk fever
9. Management of milk fever cont'd...
10. Rumen acidosis
11. Sub-acute rumen acidosis
12. Acute rumen acidosis
13. Signs of rumen acidosis
14. Effects of rumen acidosis
15. Prevention of acidosis
16. Prevention of acidosis cont'd...
17. Ketosis
18. Ketosis cont'd...
19. Ketosis in dairy cows
20. Ketone production
21. Ketone production cont'd...
22. Signs of ketosis
23. Prevention of ketosis
24. Effects of ketosis
25. Management of ketosis
26. Grass tetany
27. Signs of grass tetany
28. Management of grass tetany
29. Displaced abomasum
30. Signs of displaced abomasum
31. Treatment of displaced abomasum
32. Summary
33. Bloat
34. Types of bloat
35. Free gas/secondary bloat
36. Signs of bloat
37. Prevention of bloat
38. Treatment of bloat