Coming Soon ...
Management of the silage pit (feed out)
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Factors to consider when creating a silage pit
4. Factors to consider when creating a silage pit Cont'd...
5. Importance of considering site for silage pit
6. Common mistakes related to silage pit and feed out
7. Management practices to consider at feeding out silage
8. Feeding speed
9. Reasons for keeping a good feeding speed
10. Ease of silage removal
11. Importance of easy silage removal
12. Methods of removing silage from the pit
13. Cleanliness around silage face
14. Covering silage face
15. Feeding space
16. Losses during feeding
17. Packaging bags
18. Handling of packaged silage
19. Feed out of packaged silage
20. Condition of silage during feed out
21. Fermentation losses at different harvesting stages
22. Baled silage is the future!
23. Baled silage Cont'd...