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Economics of forage and pasture production
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Importance of forage and pasture economics
4. Benefits of forage crops
5. Economic aspects of forage production
6. Types of forage costs
7. Material and service (inputs) costs
8. Material and service (inputs)costs cont'd...
9. Labour costs
10. Labour costs cont'd...
11. Costing manual labour
12. Example of costing manual labour
13. Machinery operations and ownership costs
14. Calculating depreciation
15. Forage and pasture production processes
16. Forage and pasture production processes cont'd...
17. Forage and pasture production processes cont'd...
18. Factors affecting forage production
19. Cost implications on forage production
20. Measures of profit
21. Calculating the cost of production of forages
22. Calculating the cost of production of forages cont'd...
23. Production of boma rhodes grass
24. Production cost of boma rhodes grass per hectare
25. Production costs of boma rhodes at cutting intervals
26. Production of brachiaria grass
27. Production costs of brachiaria grass per hectare
28. Production costs of brachiaria at interval cuttings
29. Production of forage maize per hectare
30. Calculating production costs of grown forages
31. Calculating production costs of grown forages cont'd...
32. Reducing forage production costs