Coming Soon ...
Key performance indicators for monitoring the health status of a dairy herd
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. What are KPIs?
4. KPIs are a tool
5. KPIs are a tool Cont'd...
6. KPIs are a tool Cont'd...
7. KPIs do it together
8. Why does a farmer need KPIs?
9. How to determine KPIs
10. How to determine KPIs Cont'd...
11. Importance/factors that determine KPIs
12. SMART Cont'd...
13. How to determine KPIs Cont'd...
14. Why record animal health figures
15. Example why recording is feasable
16. How to make animal health records
17. Start simple
18. Ear tagging
19. Calculating KPIs from the herd book
20. Mortality/number of cattle dying
21. Mortality/number of cattle dying Cont'd...
22. How to make animal health records: Fertility
23. Fertility records
24. Birth rate
25. Average calving interval
26. Average calving interval Cont'd...
27. Fertility index figures
28. Insemination rate
29. Conception rate
30. Pregnancy rate
31. More fertility KPIs
32. Take home messages