Coming Soon ...
Operating of farm equipment & tractors
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. Benefits of using mechanized equipment in a farm
4. Types of tools and equipment in a dairy farm
5. Tractor and tractor implements
6. Safety tips when handling/operating a tractor
7. Safety tips when handling/operating a tractor Cont'd...
8. Implements to attach to a tractor
9. Implements to attach to a tractor Cont'd...
10. Mounting according to place of attachment onto a tractor
11. Mounting according to place of attachment onto a tractor Cont'd...
12. Common tractor implements: Disc plough
13. Mouldboard plough
14. Chisel plough
15. Harrows
16. Planter
17. Front-end loaders
18. Tractor trailers
19. Steps in making a PTO connection
20. Harvesting equipment
21. Manual chopper/chaff cutter
22. Operating a manual chopper/chaff cutter
23. Forage harvester and chopper
24. Safety precautions when handling/operating a harvester
25. Milk handling equipment: Milking machines
26. Checks for using a milking machine
27. Operating a milking machine
28. Operating a milking machine Cont'd...
29. How a milking machine works
30. How a milking machine works Cont'd...
31. Pipeline milking machines
32. Handling milking machine after milking
33. Cleaning a milking machine
34. Milk processing equipment
35. Milk cooling systems
36. Milk pasteurizer
37. Milk packaging machine