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Instructions for machine milking good practices, hygiene and maintenance
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. Reasons to consider machine milking
4. Reasons to consider machine milking Cont'd...
5. Reasons to consider machine milking Cont'd...
6. Milking machine
7. Cleaning the milking machine
8. Cleaning the milking machine Cont'd...
9. Cleaning the milking machine Cont'd...
10. Cleaning the milking machine Cont'd...
11. Important factors in milking
12. Preparation for machine milking
13. Pre-milking tips
14. Pre-milking tips: Clean and dry
15. Pre-milking tips: Clean and dry Cont'd
16. Udder preparation time
17. How to attach the milking machine
18. Successful machine milking
19. Milking speed
20. Blind milking/over milking
21. Blind milking/over milking Cont'd...