Coming Soon ...
Scaled mechanization of forage production and harvesting (harvesting practices)
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Grazing
3. Mechanical harvesting of Grass and Forage crops for silage
4. Mechanical harvesting of Alfalfa (Lucerne)
4.1 Mechanical harvesting of Alfalfa (Lucerne) Cont...
5. Cut and carry Grasses
5.1 Cut and carry Grasses: Napier grass
5.1.1 Cut and carry Grasses: Napier grass Cont...
5.2 Cut and carry Grasses: Alfalfa
5.3 Cut and carry Grasses: Desmodium
6. Conserved feed – best additives?
7. Tools for cutting grass
7.1 Tools for cutting grass Cont...
8. Principles of cutting grass
9. Hay making
9.1 Hay making: Ideal stage for cutting
9.2 Hay making: High yield (many bales) does not equal good quality
9.3 Hay making: Mowing the grass
9.4 Hay making: Turning/tedding
9.5 Hay making: Tools for turning hay
9.6 Hay making: Raking the grass
9.7 Hay making: Baling
10. Silage: Maize Silage – Mechanization
10.1 Maize Silage – Pit location
10.2 Maize Silage – Check the weather before harvesting