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Housing and cow comfort (animal welfare)
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Introduction Cont'd...
4. Farmers and animal welfare
5. Signs of discomfort
6. Signs of discomfort Cont'd...
7. Animal housing in relation to cow (dis) comfort
8. Purpose of farm buildings
9. The five freedoms for animal
10. The five freedoms for animals Cont'd: Freedom from hunger and thirst
11. The five freedoms for animals Cont'd: Freedom from discomfort
12. Freedom from discomfort in a cow barn
13. Freedom from discomfort in a cow barn Cont'd...
14. Testing resting area comfort "knee test"
15. The five freedoms for animals Cont'd: Freedom from pain, injury and diseases
16. Alternative ways of handling animals
17. Alternative ways of handling animals Cont'd...
18. Injury in relation to animal housing
19. Disease in relation to animal housing
20. Disease in relation to animal housing Cont'd...
21. Animal health in pastures
22. The five freedoms for animals Cont'd: Freedom to express normal behavior
23. Freedom to express normal behavior
24. Outdoor animal behavior
25. Indoor animal behavior
26. The five freedoms for animals Cont'd: Freedom from fear and distress
27. Mental state fear "handling a cow"
28. Distress "Approaching a cow"
29. Distress "Approaching a cow" Cont'd...
30. Housing and animal mental state
31. How farmers can measure animal welfare
32. How farmers can measure animal welfare Cont'd...