Coming Soon ...
Guideline for silage making
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Making Maize silage
3. Why make Silage?
4. How to test dry matter in the cob?
5. Stage of harvesting maize fodder for silage
6. Estimating the dry matter on the stem
7. Weather conditions at harvesting
8. Chopping
9. Harvesting using a Kernel crusher
10. Harvesting using a Kernel crusher Cont...
11. Location of the pit
12. Transportation
13. Filling of the Silo: Pit / clamp / bag
14. Silage pit dimensions and location
15. Compacting
16. Sealing
17. Sealing Cont...
18. Covering with soil
19. Covering with soil Cont...
20. Silage making in transportable bales
21. Fermentation
22. Feed Out
23. Feed Out Cont...
24. Feed Out Cont...
25. Feeding
26. Feeding Cont...