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Guidelines for tropical pasture management and grazing management (I)
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. The value of pasture
4. Pasture quality
5. Factors influencing pasture quality
6. Daily feed intake
7. Establishing pastures: Seedbed preparation
8. Establishing pastures: Seedbed preparation to fine tilth
9. Broadcasting grass seeds
10. Seeding perennial grass seeds
11. Bring the seeds in contact with soil moisture
12. First year after sowing
13. Weed control
14. Grazing management
15. Grazing management cont'd...
16. Fertilization
17. Selective grazing
18. Selective grazing cont'd...
19. Avoid over-grazing
20. Avoid over-grazing
21. Important note