Coming Soon ...
Guideline for ration calculations for various breeds, heifers, lactation stage – Rumen8 (Part 2)
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Having the SNV Tropical Feed Library visible as well as the user feed library (Empty Feed library)
3. Open user feed library under the folder Empty feed library
4. Empty feed library display
5. How to make your own farm-specific feed library
6. To activate (Black in colour) a feed in the farm-specific library
7. The copied feeds
8. Editing the copied feeds
9. Editing the copied feed ingredients cont'd...
10. Cost of ingredients
11. Saving your (Farm name) populated feed library
12. Your (Farm name) feed library
13. Deleting a feed from the farm feed library
14. Manage mixes
15. Manage mixes cont'd...
16. Manage mixes cont'd...
17. 'Create mix from diet (ration)'
18. Dairy animal parameter set-up
19. Animal (dairy) preference settings
20. Tab 'Dairy' parameters
21. Farm information- Farm tour
22. Cow selection options
23. Breed selection options
24. Animal weight (Kg)
25. How to weigh your cow
26. Animal weight change (Kg/d)
27. Animal weight change (Kg/d) cont'd...
28. Days in milk
29. Days in milk cont'd...
30. Dairy milk yield
31. Milk fat
32. Milk true protein
33. DMI estimation method
34. DMI estimation method: NDF Intake
35. DMI estimation method: NDF Intake cont'd...
36. Important mote: Download part 1 and 3