Coming Soon ...
Fodder conservation and storage
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Why conserve forages?
3. Factors affecting the quantity and quality of conserved forages
4. Factors affecting the quantity and quality of conserved forages cont...
5. Methods of forage conservation
6. Drying grass (wilting) to hay
7. When to make hay
8. Guidelines for drying hay
9. Methods of compacting hay
10. Storing dry grass (hay)
11. Considerations when storing hay
12. Fermentation - haylage
13. Fermentation - silage
14. Fermentation - silage cont...
15. Methods of storing silage
16. Size and shape of silage storage
17. Storage facilities for small holder farmers
18. Amount of silage required
19. Packing density of silage
20. Factors to consider to reduce spoilage during storage
21. Dehydration - pelleting/artificial drying
22. Reasons for storing forages
23. Storing pellets
24. Aspects of a good storage facility for forage
25. Take home messages: Storing hay
26. Take home messages: Storing silage