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Fertility management and cows with abnormal discharge
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Expulsion of placenta
4. Retained placenta
5. Retained placenta cont'd...
6. Retained placenta cont'd...
7. Vaginal discharge
8. Cleaning the uterus
9. Cleaning the uterus cont'd...
10. Diagnosing vaginal discharge
11. Withdrawal of the metricheck
12. How to use the metricheck device
13. Vaginal discharge scoring
14. Vaginal discharge: Normal vs abnormal
15. Optimizing fertility
16. Optimizing fertility cont'd...
17. Vaginal discharge and what the colours mean
18. Discharge registration at the farm
19. Discharge registration at the farm cont'd...
20. Fertility management
21. Take home messages