Coming Soon ...
Feeding systems
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Factors influencing choice of a feeding system
4. Guidelines for selecting a feeding system
5. Types of feeding systems
6. Pasture-based systems
7. Pasture-based systems: Continuous grazing
8. Characteristics of continuous grazing
9. Pasture-based systems: Rotational grazing
10. Importance of rotational grazing
11. Pasture-based systems: Management intensive grazing system (MIG)
12. Grazing systems under MIG
13. MIG: Strip grazing
14. MIG: Mob grazing
15.MIG: First-last grazing
16. Benefits of MIG systems
17. Feeding cows on pastures
18. Checklist for cows on pasture-based systems
19. Pasture based problems
20. Semi-confined systems
21. Fully confined feeding systems
22. Advantages of confined feeding systems: Fully and semi confined feeding systems