Coming Soon ...
Hoof diseases and hoof care management
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Anatomy of the foot
4. Anatomy of the foot Cont'd...
5. Anatomy of the foot Cont'd...
6. The Biomechanics
7. The Biomechanics Cont'd...
8. Causes of hoof problems
9. Infectious hoof problems
10. Interdigital dermatitis
11. Interdigital dermatitis (Foul in the foot)
12. Digital dermatitis (Mortellaro disease)
13. Digital dermatitis (Mortellaro disease) Cont'd...
14. Digital dermatitis (Mortellaro disease) Cont'd...
15. Digital dermatitis (Mortellaro disease) Cont'd...
16. Non infectious hoof problems
17. Laminitis
18. Biomechanics and laminitis
19. Tip toe and laminitis
20. What happens in the hoof when a cow has laminitis?
21. Laminitis and sole bleeds
22. Laminitis and white line defects
23. Laminitis and sole ulcers
24. Tyloma
25. Tyloma Cont'd...
26. How to handle hoof problems
27. Floors and cubicles
28. Hoof checks
29. Locomotion score
30. Locomotion score Cont'd...
31. Locomotion score Cont'd...
32. Treatment of lame cattle
33. Disinfection
34. Disinfection Cont'd...
35. Ration
36. Body condition score (BCS)
37. Breeding and culling
38. Summary/Take home messages