Coming Soon ...
Estimating ideal time of harvesting
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Forage quality: Grasses, Alfalfa and Maize
4. Grasses: Best stage for harvesting grasses
5. Selection of crop and stage of harvest
6. Factors affecting the choice of harvesting stage
7. Young grass is a source of nutrients
8. Napier grass - stage of harvesting
9. Steps in making grass silage e.g. using Napier grass
10. Good vs bad silage
11. Good vs bad silage cont...
12. Stage of harvest for hay making
13. Harvesting stage for maize silage
14. Access the crop on dry matter (DM) yield
15. Themaize kernel at 30-35% dry matter
16. The kernel milk line
17. Determining dry matter in maize crop
18.Stubble height
19. Machinery used for harvesting maize
20. Machinery used for chopping maize
21. Machinery with kernel crushers
22. Legumes
23. Making hay from Alfalfa
24. Making hay from Alfalfa cont...
25. Alfalfa hay - the nutrients are in the leaves