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Estimating fodder supplies for dry season feeding and planning of feeding management
Level 2 - Lead Farmers
1. You will learn about...
2. Introduction
3. Challenges during dry season feeding
4. Tips on improving dry season feeding
5. Tips of improving dry season feeding Cont'd...
6. Tips of improving dry season feeding Cont'd...
7. Questions to answer when planning for dry season feeding management
8. Example of feeding a cow in the dry season
9. Example of cow feeding
10. Example of cow feeding Cont'd...
11. Estimating acreage of forage maize to grow for silage making for 90 days
12. Estimating acreage of forage maize to grow for silage making for 90 days Cont'd...
13. Estimating maize silage supply for a cow
14. Aim of dry season feeding
15. Estimating fodder supplies for dry season feeding
16. Length of dry season
17. Water availability and management
18. Identifying feeds to be grown on farm
19. Feeding strategies
20. Encouraging feed intake during dry season feeding
21. Managing feeding and feed supplies
22. Feeding management: Planning of the herd
23. Feeding management: Animal breeds
24. Feeding management: Availability of feed ingredients
25. Feeding management: Choice of feeding system
26. Summary