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Disease & health management
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. Getting the calf ready for life
4. Getting the calf ready for life cont...
5. Health check points in a calf
6. Health check points in a calf: 1. Eyes
7. Health check points in a calf: 2. Nose(rhinarium)
8. Health check points in a calf: 3. Skin and joints
9. Health check points in a calf: 4. Respiration
10. Health check points in a calf: 5. Navel
11. Health check points in a calf: 6. Body condition
12. Health check points in a calf: 7. Temperature
13. Health check points in a calf: Manure
14. Health check points in a calf: 9. Stretching
15. How to score calf's health status
16. Scoring your calf's health status
17. Loss of body water: Dehydration
18. Loss of body water: Dehydration cont...
19. Loss of body water: Dehydration cont...
20. Checking skin elasticity for dehydration
21. Preventing dehydration
22. Pneumonia
23. Treatment of pneumonia
24. Examples calves suffering from Pneumonia
25. Examples cow suffering from Pneumonia
26. Economic effects of unhealthy calf
27. Navel III (Omphalitis)
28. Navel III (Omphalitis) cont...
29. External parasites: Ticks
30. Internal parasites: Lung worms
31. Internal parasites: Stomach worms
32. Internal parasites: Stomach worms cont...
33. Internal parasites: Liver flukes
34. Internal parasites: Liver flukes cont...
35. Internal parasites: Liver flukes cont...
36. Summary/Take home messages