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Criteria for judging the health of a cow (Cow Signals)
Level 3 - Extension Workers, Input & Service Providers
1. You will learn about...
2. Background
3. Health signals
4. Important questions in health checks
5. Important (health check) parts in a cow
6. Body temperature
7. Body temperature Cont'd...
8. Body temperature Cont'd...
9. Pulse rate
10. Pulse rate Cont'd...
11. Respiration/breathing rate
12. Respiration/breathing rate Cont'd...
13. Rumen health/activity
14. Rumen health/activity Cont'd...
15. Rumination activity
16. Rumen fill
17. Rumen fill Cont'd...
18. Manure
19. Manure Cont'd...
20. Body condition score (BCS)
21. Body condition score (BCS)
22. Farmers' tips for body condition score (BCS)
23. Farmers' tips for body condition score (BCS) Cont'd...
24. Mucous membranes
25.Tyrewire Disease (hardware disease)
26. How to prevent cows against Tyrewire Disease
27. Dehydration
28. Summary/Take home